goodbye to 2011 and hello to 2012
I'm realizing how 2011 was a very exciting year to go into, my love of the #11 and all that was to come with Teahouse Studio, my venture into self employment, all of it. It really does seem like it *just* started yesterday and now it's going to end. When I think about showcasing photos of the year or marking 12 key moments through the year it seems overwhelming. I could focus on my family ~ how my beautiful daughters have grown up so much, or I could focus on Teahouse and how we started this adventure, or I could focus on my personal growth with photography or I could focus on the connections I've shared with some beautiful people. See? It's a little overwhelming...and my "word" of 2011 was "eleven ~ completion".
Now looking back over the whole year, did I complete anything? Did I come to terms with things? Can I say goodbye to 2011 and be ok with what was or wasn't?
I think I can.
I think I am ready to say HELLO to 2012 and move ahead on this path of life ~ I kinda have to right? 2012 is coming whether we're ready or not.
I sit here contemplating my word for the new year and thinking about what this blog will bring in the new year, what my photography business looks like, what Teahouse Studio will bring, if my family and I will find a new home, if I will be able to do what I want to do, will I travel, will I attend the retreats? A new year brings excitement, new visions, new ideas and a bit of champagne!
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year ~ do you have any traditions that you do around the New Year? I'd love to hear them....